Yanchenko Sergey Vladimirovich

Yanchenko Sergey Vladimirovich

Yanchenko Sergey Vladimirovich

MD, PhD, DSc,  Professor

Professor of the ophthalmology department

Professor of Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino (BSMI) Ophthalmology Department (02.2024 – Current), Associate Professor of BSMI Ophthalmology Department (06.2023 – 02.2024).

S. Yanchenko graduated from the Kuban State Medical Academy (KSMA, Krasnodar City, Russian Federation) with a degree in “general medicine” (1996), residency (1998) and postgraduate study (1998) in “ophthalmology”. He had been working as assistant (2000-2010), associate professor (2010-2023), professor (2018-2023) of Kuban State Medical University (KSMU) Ophthalmology Department and ophthalmologist (1999-2000; 2002-2011) of City Clinical Hospital #3 and ophthalmologist (2011-2023) of Scientific Research Institute – Regional Clinical Hospital #1 named after prof. S.V. Ochapovsky Ophthalmology Department (Krasnodar City, Russian Federation)

Certificates in “pedagogy” (2011, 2016, 2018, 2020), pedagogic work experience in the specialty “ophthalmology” for 20 years. Medical experience in the specialty “ophthalmology” for 23 years, highest medical category (2006). Specialization: retinology and vitreoretinal surgery, laser refractive surgery, ocular surface diseases, diagnosis and monitoring of glaucoma. Certificates: “Ophthalmology” (2003, 2009, 2014, 2019), “Vitreo-retinal surgery” (2003), “Glaucoma” (2020), “Anterior eye segment diseases” (2021); “Diseases of the retina and optic nerve” (2021), “Optical-coherence-tomography” (2024)

Lectures, practical and clinical classes in “ophthalmology” for foreign students of the “General Medicine” and “MBBS” faculties in English and Uzbekian students (European groups) in Russian.

PhD (St. Petersburg, Military Medical Academy, 2003), DSc (St. Petersburg, Military Medical Academy, 2011), Associate Professor (Moscow, 2017), honorary title of “Honored Worker of Science and Education” of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Moscow, 2007).

Publications-137: E-library – 117, RSCI – 113, RF Higer Attestation Commission – 51, Scopus – 18, patents – 7, computer programs – 3, educational publications – 9, guidelines for ophthalmologists-2, monography – 2; H-index: E-library-9, RSCI-8, Scopus-4. The total number of citations is 338.

Grants: Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research (RFFR), grant №19-415-230007 р_а, “Study of ocular surface changes in patients before and after cataract surgery” (2019-2023); RFFR, grant №17-16-23048 ОГН, “The study of the epidemiology and clinical manifestation of socially significant diseases – dry eye in patients before refractive operations” (2017-2018). In 2011-2023 – scientific supervisor of 10 residents, 15 students, including 2 executors of 3 grants for young scientists (Kuban State Medical University, Russian Federation), from 2024 – scientific supervisor of 2 PhD dissertations (BSMI, Uzbekistan Republic).

Professional Societies and Organizations: member of Russian Society of Ophthalmologists (2000), Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAE, 2007), member of Russian Association of Ophthalmologists (2011), member of Kuban Association of Ophthalmologists (2013), member of European Society of Refractive and Cataract Surgeons – ESCRS (2014), corresponding member of the RAE (2016), member of the European Society of Researchers of Vision and Organ of Vision (EVER, 2018), member of the Russian Expert Council on Inflammatory Diseases eye (2020), member of the European Society of Dry Eye (Eu-DES, 2021), member of the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Collaborator Network (2024).

S. Yanchenko is a member of the editorial board of the International Scientific and Practical Journal “Ophthalmology. Eastern Europe” (Republic of Belarus), included in the international databases Scopus, Ulrich’s Periodical Directory, EBSCO, RSCI, CNKI (2023).