
On the defense of the dissertation of Aliyev Navruz Xasanovich (PhD)


On the defense of the dissertation of Aliyev Navruz Xasanovich (PhD)

To defend the thesis of Aliyev Navruz Xasanovich Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in medical sciences

Defense of  Aliyev Navruz Xasanovich‘s dissertation for the degree of  Doctor of  Philosophy (PhD) in medical sciences at 14.00.21 – Stomatology on the topic ” Improvement of diagnostic methods and treatment of non-articular pathology of the temporomandibular joint” will be held at a remote online meeting of the Scientific Council DSc / PhD.04 / 30.12.2019.Tib.93.01 Bukhara State Medical Institute November 25, 2021 at 1400  (Address: 200118, Bukhara, A. Navai street, 1, Tel./fax: (+99865) 223-00-50; tel: (+99865) 223-17-53; e-mail:; The main building of the Bukhara State Medical Institute is a small conference hall.).

