The intellectual game “Zakovat” was organized at the Bukhara State Medical Institute.
02.02.2024 2024-02-03 10:52The intellectual game “Zakovat” was organized at the Bukhara State Medical Institute.

The intellectual game “Zakovat” was organized at the Bukhara State Medical Institute.
At the clinic of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, an intellectual game “Zakovat” was held in memory of our Jadid grandfathers, on the topic “Representatives of the Jadid movement and their activities.” In this game, with the participation of students, teams named after our Jadid grandfathers competed with each other.

According to the final results:
1-st place is the team named Ubaidullo Khojayev;
2-nd place is the team named Is’haqkhan Ibrat;
3-rd place was won by teams named Usmonkhoja Polathojayev.

Also, all 13 teams were given the most valuable gift – sets of books.
The winning teams were awarded diplomas and memorable gifts from the advisor to the rector and the department of youth work and spirituality M. Makhmudov.