BukhSMI Press Service

“We are against drugs and narcology!”


“We are against drugs and narcology!”

A meeting with students on the topic “We are against drug addiction and narcology!” was held at the Bukhara State Medical Institute.
The meeting was conducted by Azamat Fayziev, Deputy Director for Regional Scientific Work and External Relations of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Narcology, and Lieutenant Gulbakhor Odilova, Inspector for Prevention of OTC, FMB, Bukhara. It talked about drug addiction, its consequences and harmful aspects.

We talk to students like you and every age group. Our goal is to prevent addiction and prevent it from becoming your addiction. Because it is sad that only in the city of Bukhara 4,500 people are registered and registered for alcoholism. This is not a small figure. Stay away from drugs and drug addiction, so as not to become one of them. This is harmful not only for your health, but also for society and your family members. Dear young people, take care of yourself and your family from worries and severe consequences, – says Azamat Fayziev.

At the end of the event, students expressed their interest and additional opinions, questions were answered using examples from life and events.