Year of Youth and Business Support
01.05.2024 2024-05-03 11:05Year of Youth and Business Support
Year of Youth and Business Support
Bukhara State Medical Institute, in order to ensure the implementation of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 21, 2024 of the Ministry of Sports on the state program for the implementation of the strategy “Uzbekistan – 2030” in the “Year of Support for Youth and Business” No. PF-37, sports competitions were held to determine the level of physical fitness students.
Students checked their level of physical fitness under the conditions of 5 procedures. After the opening of the event, the rector of the Bukhara State Medical Institute, Shukhrat Teshaev, awarded the winners of the Student Festival, students who took part in the Olympiad, with diplomas and memorable gifts.
Sports tests to determine the level of physical fitness will last until May 10.