Year of Youth and Business Support
23.04.2024 2024-04-24 17:12
BukhSMI Press Service Cultural and educational activities Cultural and educational events Photogallery Sports events
Year of Youth and Business Support
Year of Youth and Business Support
In order to ensure the implementation of the state program of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 21, 2024 “Uzbekistan – 2030”, strategies in the “Year of Support for Youth and Business” to attract youth to mass sports events and physical fitness tests were launched among students of the institute.
At the Bukhara State Medical Institute, physical fitness tests were carried out in conditions of running 100-3000 m, running and long jumping, bending forward from a gymnastic bench without bending the knees, running and long jumping. In the future, about 6 thousand people. students will proceed as planned.
Physical fitness testing will last until April 30.