Department of Epidemiology
21.09.2023 2024-10-09 15:22Department of Epidemiology
Staff of the department
History of the department
Rector of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Bukhara Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, based on the order No.1/03 dated January 4, 1993 of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.I Mominov, it was established on the territory of the Bukhara Regional Children’s Hospital of Infectious Diseases. Abdurashid Rakhimovich Oblokhlov, candidate of medical sciences, was appointed as the head of the department. Assistants Arashova Gulnora Amirkulovna, Rajabov Fazliddin Fayzievich, clinical coordinators S.S Hamdamov and I.A Botirova started working. In
1997, the assistant of the department S.G Khudoydodova, in 1999 the assistant of the department OB Rahmatov, in 2003 the assistant of the department A.A Tokhtaev, in 2006 the assistant of the department M.R Mirzoeva defended t heir candidate thesis. From April 1, 2005, it operatedas the department of “Infectious diseases, phthisia and skin-genital diseases” until August 2013, and now it is operated as the department of “Infectious diseases, children’s infectious diseases and epidemiology”.From August 2019 to January 10, 2021, since the head of the department A.R. Oblokhlov was transferred to the position of the dean of the Faculty of Medical Pedagogy and HNW, Mirzoeva worked as the head of the department.From January 10, 2021, DMSc, professor A.R.Oblokhlov was elected to the position of the head of the department based on the decision of the institute council.
From September 30, 2023, the Department of Epidemiology was separated as a separate department, and professor M.R Mirzoyeva was appointed as the head of the department in accordance with the decision of the Institute Council.
Currently, the department has 1 doctor of medical sciences, professor, 2 doctors there are candidates of sciences, senior teachers and 2 assistants.
The treatment direction of the department’s staff is carried out at the Regional Hospital of Infectious Diseases and the Bukhara Regional Department of Sanitation, Epidemiology, Peace and Public Health
Now DMSc, professor M.R Mirzoeva, PhD., senior teachers N.Q Hamidova, Z.D Keldiyorova, assistants M.A.Igamova, SH.I.Rakhimov are working.
Address of the department: 200100 Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara city, G’izhduvan street, 89
In 1992 Mirzoyeva Mekhriniso Rizoyevna graduated with honors from the Faculty of Medicine of the II Tashkent State Medical Institute. Infectious diseases this year entered clinical residency and successfully completed clinical residency this year and worked as an assistant. In 2004, he defended his candidate’s thesis in medical sciences, and in 2021 he was awarded the title of associate professor. In 2022, he defended his doctoral dissertation. Since 1992,
M.R Mirzoyeva worked at the Department of Infectious Diseases, Children’s Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino. Since September 2023, he has been working as the head of the department of epidemiology.
Mirzoyeva Mekhriniso Rizoyevna has been actively participating in the social public affairs of
the university, faculty and department, participating in scientific conferences held abroad, in the Republic and at the university level, with interesting lectures on current problems.
Several students of Mirzoyeva Mekhriniso Rizoyevna managed to win prizes at the Republican Student Science Olympiad. In 2013, Hungary qualified. In April 2017, he participated in academic mobility by lecturing in St. Petersburg, Russia, in May-June at the Shymkent Medical Academy, Kazakhstan, and at the Medical University of UFA, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia. Mirzoyeva Mekhriniso Rizoyevna, Shymkent, Kazakhstan medicine
Academy and in cooperation with medical universities in UFA of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia, an international conference was organized and a memorandum was drawn up with these universities.
Department of Scientific and Technical Cooperation of the Ministry of Public Education of Uzbekistan actively participated in more than 15 seminars of the center and received its certificates.
Mirzoyeva Mekhriniso Rizoyevna has shown herself to be a disciplined and diligent researcher during her career. He takes scientific research work seriously, works tirelessly on himself, regularly familiarizes himself with science news. In addition, the institute actively participates in the scientific life and public affairs, organized scientific-theoretical seminars.Participates in all competitions held across the department, faculty, and institute. In the 2014-2015 academic year, he participated in the contest “The best pedagogue of a higher educational institution” and took the proud 2nd place at the level of the institute.
Mirzoyeva Mekhriniso Rizoyevna is one of the leading specialists of the institute in her specialty. He is the author of about 10 educational and teaching manuals.
The monograph prepared by M.R.Mirzoyeva and the educational manual “Infectious diseases” received the approval of the coordinating council of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education. Currently, these manuals are published and applied to the educational process in the medical institutes of the Republic. Also, more than 100 scientific articles related to his scientific research were published in prestigious scientific journals of our country and abroad.
Scientific guidance to more than 40 bachelor and master students, bachelor and master students apply their knowledge and skills during classes, teach the future generation the sciences of infectious diseases and non-infectious diseases, and educate them. During teaching, he conducts classes with students using interactive methods and new pedagogical technologies. During his career, he published scientific articles and theses in more than 100 national and foreign journals, including 1 textbook, 1 study guide, and 2 monographs.
Educational-Methodical Affairs
Practical training and educational process in the department is enriched with practical skills, educational materials and visual aids. Students of the department conduct practical training at the Bukhara Region Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases and the Bukhara Region Department of Sanitation, Epidemiology, Peace and Public Health.
Subjects taught at the department
- Military
- Epidemiology;
- Parasitolog
Students of the following areas study at the department
5510100 – Treatment work;
5510200 – Pediatric work;
5111000 – Vocational education;
5510400 – Dentistry;
5510300 – Medical preventive work;
5511100 – Folk medicine.
At the department, students study in the “Epidemiology” master’s specialty, “Epidemiology” residency courses. Our professors and teachers attached to them conduct classes. In addition to studies, master’s residents and interns are on duty at the infectious diseases clinical hospital after classes.
Master’s residents, interns and undergraduate students study various laboratory methods in the laboratory located at the base of the Bukhara Regional Hospital of Infectious Diseases.
According to the State educational standard of higher education, the science of epidemiology, which is taught in the fields of education “Pedagogy” and “Health care”, applies to the study of human activity, maintaining the health of the population through new scientific knowledge, methods and methods. comprehensively teaches the etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention and rehabilitation of infectious diseases and non-infectious diseases that can spread to healthy people, and creates a foundation for clinical reasoning, disease and its symptoms in future general practitioners
The goals and tasks of science
Mastering the basic theoretical knowledge of epidemiology. Mastering basic practical skills in epidemiology.
Mastering the basic principles used to teach epidemiology to students.
Qualification requirements for students in science
Etiology of the most common infectious and non-infectious diseases, epidemiology, preventive principles.
Collection of patient complaints, epidemiological and clinical anamnesis.
Academic mobility
Academic mobility between professors and teachers is well established at the department.
In 2019, the head of the department, Professor M.R.Mirzoeva, carried out academic mobility at the Bashki Medical University according to the plan, gave lectures and conducted practical training.
The department has established scientific, practical and academic relations with the Health Sciences University of Turkey, the Bashkiria State Medical University of the Russian Federation, the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and continues its activities.
Professor G.M Khasanova of Bashkiria State Medical Institute, Ryazan State Medical University K.A.Ageeva of the Russian Federation conducted seminars and master classes on the basis of academic exchange.
On December 11-15, 2023, on the basis of academic mobility, the professors of the department visited Kazakhstan’s Auzova University

Professors of the department Auzova State University of Kazakhstan in academic mobility

Professors of the department Auzova, Kazakhsta in academic mobility at the university
The number of published educational methodical manuals is more than 200, and the department has published more than 10 monographs, educational manuals and textbooks in recent years. At the same time, the professors-teachers of the department created a joint grant “RF Bashkiriya” and scientific research is being conducted. The professors-teachers of the department participated in the creation of the national handbook and training manual on “COVID-19”.
Scientific research works
Over 100 scientific articles, including highly indexed foreign articles, more than 20 articles in Scopus and Web of Science journals, and American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, America World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal India, Russia ‘’Dostizheniya nauki i obrazovaniya’’, Bulgaria world journal of pharmaceutical research, Shvestiya World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and others
NQHamidova, a senior teacher of the department, “The course of hymenolepidosis in children He completed his dissertation on clinical and immunological features.

Another senior teacher of the department, Z.D.Keldiyorova, completed her dissertation on the topic “Optimization of diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis in children by developing immunological criteria.”
Scientific direction of the department:
- Study of the impact of environment, infectious and parasitic diseases on public
- Application of modern diagnostic and preventive methods in studying the impact of environment, non- infectious diseases on public health.
Based on the scientific direction, professors and teachers of the department carry out scientific research in the bases of UzEMYuKITI, the Department of Infectious and Children’s Infectious Diseases of TTA and the Regional Hospital of Infectious Diseases, including hospital doctors in cooperation with the professors and teachers of the department, conducting research on scientific topics approved by the scientific council is going .
In April 2020, UzRSSV, the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of the Bukhara Medical Institute, the Tashkent Medical Academy, and the Euro-Asian Society for Infectious Diseases will hold an international scientific and practical conference “Modern technologies of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases and parasitic diseases” organized and conducted with high efficiency.
Besides department staff in the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan; They participated with their lectures in conferences held in cities such as Urganch, Khiva, Tashkent, Nukus, Andijan.
Programs for intellectual property exposure at the department; “Determining indicators of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract in patients infected with corona virus infection” for electronic textbook 05.27.2023 No. DGU 26208,
“Determination of clinical and immunological indicators in pregnant women infected with corona virus infection” 05.26.2023 DGU 26109

Spiritual and Educational works
Spiritual and educational work in the Department of Epidemiology is carried out based on the plan approved by the spiritual department of the institute. During the academic year, the teaching staff of the department regularly conducts a number of educational events with student groups in order to raise the political, legal consciousness and culture of students. Students of the faculties of treatment, medical pedagogy, pediatrics, dentistry, medical prevention, folk medicine will be given detailed information about the high attention paid by President Mirziyoyev to the young generation and the positive processes taking place in the lives of modern youth. Employees of the department introduce students to the works and lectures of the President. It is known that the head of our state has put forward 5 important initiatives to organize work in the social, spiritual and educational spheres on the basis of a new system. In this regard, campaigning activities are being conducted among students, and they serve to encourage the active participation of young people.
On the basis of the principle of “New Uzbekistan, a new outlook” put forward by our President, the essence of the 1st and 2nd Renaissance (Renaissance) eras and the emergence of the 3rd Renaissance era are being taught.
Awakening and upliftment depends on each citizen, for this we need to start
the change, awakening from ourselves, for upliftment we need to ask “What will be my contribution?” It is said that he will take this question as his motto.

Organizational Affairs
The number of conferences, workshops and seminars held by professors and teachers of the department is more than 100, and they participate in conferences organized abroad every year. The staff of the department actively participated in such projects as “Improving the diagnosis of invasive bacterial meningitis” and “Modern diagnostic methods in infectious diseases with diarrhea syndrome” in Uzbekistan in cooperation with the European Union department of the World Health Organization.
Today, the staff of the department conducts scientific work on various topics, including “Actual problems of parasitology”, “New technologies in the study of viral infections”.
Thematic patients are monitored with students during practical sessions. Professors and associate professors of the department participate in councils held in hospital departments.
Also, the staff advises patients who apply to the reception department.
Tasks of professors and teachers of the department on treatment
№ |
№ | Name: | Position | Sections | function |
1. | M.R. Mirzoyeva | head of the department | Reanimation Section 10 Section 3 | Consultant |
2. | Z.D. Keldiyorova | Senior teacher | Section 6 Section 9 | Consultant |
3. | N.Q.Hamidova | Senior teacher | Section 2 Section 7 | Consultant |
4. | M.A.Igamova | Assistant | Section 3 | Patient curation |
5. | SH.I.Raximov | Assistant | Section 6 | Patient curation |
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