Department of Medical Biology

Department of Medical Biology

Jabborova Oysha Iskandarovna


Staff of the department

Mustafayeva Mamlakat Ismailovna
Sagdullayeva gulandom ulyanovna
Jumayeva Shoista Boltayevna
Xudoyqulova Nasiba Ismailovna
Mirzoyeva Maxbuba Axtamovna
Nazarova Feruza Ilhomovna
Aminjonova Charos Akmalovna
Teshayeva Dilnoza Choriyevna
Mirzoyeva Maxbuba Axtamovna

Department history

The department was established on the basis of order No. 4/7 of October 30, 1990, issued by the first rector of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, Professor A.I. Mo’minov. Boymurodov Toir Boymurodovich, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, who worked at the Samarkand Research Veterinary Institute, was appointed the head of the department.

Boymurodov Toyir Boymurodovich

The department began its activity on September 2, 1991-1993 academic year in the following composition:

Boymurodov T.B. – professor, doctor of biological sciences, head of the department.

Malikov I.R. – candidate of biological sciences – assistant of the department.

Sodikov I.Sh. – candidate of biological sciences – assistant of the department.

Xamroev R.O. – assistant of the department.

In 1994, senior lecturer Ganijon Bobojonovich Ochilov, candidate of biological sciences, was appointed head of the department

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Ganizhon Bobodzhonovich Ochilov

In 1994-1998 the department was headed by Candidate of Biological Sciences G.B. Ochilov as the head of the department.

In 1998, B.N. continued his work as the head of the department of the institute. Zulfikorov.

In 2005, the Department of Medical Biology was merged with the Department of Histology, and PhD, Associate Professor Davronov R.D. was appointed head of the department.

In 2013-2016, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor B.A. Khidoyatov continued to work as the head of the Department of Histology and Medical Biology.

Boymurodov Toir Boymurodovich

In 2016-2018, the department was headed by associate professor of the department R.D. Davronov.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Davronov R.D.

In 2018-2019, this department was headed by Associate Professor Zulfikorov A.N.

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Zulfikorov A.N.

Since June 2019, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Aisha Iskanderova has been appointed head of the Department of Medical Biology and Histology.

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor O.I. Dzhabborova

In October 2019, in connection with the division of the department into two, a talented scientist, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Dzhabborova Aisha Iskandarovna continued her work as head of the department of Medical Biology.

The department currently consists of the following employees:

Head of the Department, Associate Professor Oysha Iskandarova Jabborova

Associate professors of the department: Zulfikorov Abdurahim Naimovich, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Mustafayevalar Mamlakat Ismailovna;

Senior Lecturer: V.F.Sc. Guland Ulyanovna Sagdullaeva;

The assistants of the department work:, Nasiba Ismailovna Khudoykulova and Shoista Boltaevna Jumaeva.

Head of educational work of the department – Sagdullaeva G.U.

Responsible for scientific work – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Mustafayeva M.I.

“Teacher-student” – B.F.N., Associate Professor Zulfikorov A.N.

The department is located in the morphological building of the Bukhara State Medical Institute.

Purpose, tasks and activities of the department

Modern biology is among the discoveries, and its practical and methodological significance is of great importance for all mankind. In a certain sense, it can be considered that the future prospects of mankind largely depend on success in the field of natural sciences.

The purpose of introducing students to the topic of medical biology is to acquire fundamental knowledge about biological systems; the history of the development of modern ideas about wildlife, amazing discoveries in biological science; the role of biological science in shaping the modern natural science imagination in the world; methods of scientific knowledge; The place and role of biological knowledge in the practical activities of people is to master the skills of logical thinking.

Scientific activity

Scientific direction of the department:

  1. Significance of biology, ecology and national economy of the Bukhara oases;
  2. Study of algoflora, zooplankton and promising species of water bodies of the Bukhara region;
  3. Biology, ecology and importance of birds of prey in the city of Bukhara.

Employees of the scientific subjects of the department approve:

  1. Jabborova O.I. (independent researcher).

Scientific topic: – “Hymenoptera (Insesta: Hymenoptera) insects of the Nurotinsky Range”

  1. Xudoykulova N.I. (independent researcher)

Scientific theme: Algoflora of solonchaks of the Bukhara oasis and its use in the national economy.

  1. Jumaeva Sh.B. (independent researcher)

Scientific theme: Causal relationships of microbiological, hydrobiological changes in the water of open reservoirs used for drinking and recreational purposes.

In recent years, the staff of the department published 3 monographs, 1 textbook, 20 manuals, more than 200 scientific articles and theses. Work is underway on one international grant project.

Perspective plans

  • Carrying out scientific work in order to increase the scientific potential of the department;
  • Improving the quality of education by further expanding educational, scientific and technical cooperation with foreign countries and enriching the material and technical base of the department with new modern equipment and teaching and laboratory equipment:
  • Establishment of international integration;
  • Bringing the winners of various Olympiads among students to the international level;
  • Carrying out economic contract work in order to form the material and technical base of the department.

REPORT on a business trip abroad Mamlakat Ismailovna Mustafayeva, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical Biology

In order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 24, 2017 No. 2909 “On measures for the further development of the higher education system”, order of the rector of BSMI No. 138/3 dated November 11, 2021 and interuniversity on the basis of a cooperation agreement and invitation, November 15-20 In 2021, he went on a business trip to South Kazakhstan University. M. Auezov, included in the TOP-1000 universities of the world, Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan, within the framework of academic mobility.

On November 15, 2021, we stayed at the Darkol Hotel in Shymkent. On November 16, 2021, we got acquainted with the geolocation of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, the heads of the administration, including the department of international relations, faculties and departments, libraries and laboratories. At the same time, during the meeting with the Dean of the Faculty of Biotechnology and the Head of the Department of Biotechnology, Associate Professor Alpamysova Gulyaina Baykanyskyzy, they were acquainted with the structure of the department, the teaching staff, the progress of educational work, scientific and long-term plans.

The distribution of lessons was also carried out and group classes were started. On the same day, the head of the Department of Biology and Geography, Yerzhan Isaev, and the staff of the department organized master classes on the topic “Cell Biology” and “Cell Biology” for students of the UEP-19-12k group.

On November 17, educational and methodological work on the exchange of experience was discussed. Lecture and practical classes were traditionally organized on the basis of the module “Biotechnology Objects” in the group VT-19-5 k1, 5k2, and students were taught classes in Russian and English.

On November 18, during an acquaintance with the modern laboratories of the departments of biotechnology and biology, questions and answers and situational questions were discussed with students.

On November 19, a decision was made to carry out scientific work, write teaching aids and textbooks based on joint plans. The issues of publishing articles in SCOPUS journals, participation in international grants on the prospects of biotechnology were also discussed together.

Discussions were held on the implementation of interdepartmental agreements and, additionally, on further increasing the participation of students in online trainings and conferences, as well as in international competitions.

At the end of the day, at a farewell meeting held by the dean of the faculty with the participation of professors and teachers of the departments, all professors and teachers who participated in academic mobility were awarded certificates.

During the business trip, the work planned in cooperation was carried out in accordance with the plan.

Head of the Department of Medical Biology, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Jabborova Oysha Iskandarovna on a business trip abroad

In order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 24, 2017 No. 2909 “On measures for the further development of the higher education system”, the order of the rector of BSMI dated April 9, 2023 and the interuniversity agreement on cooperation and on the basis of an invitation on April 10-15, 2023 I went on a business trip to the South Kazakhstan University. M. Auezov, included in the TOP-1000 universities of the world, in Shymkent, the Republic of Kazakhstan, as part of academic mobility.

On April 10, 2023, we stayed at the Grant Shymkent hotel in the city of Shymkent. On November 10, 2023, we got acquainted with the geolocation of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, the heads of the administration, including the department of international relations, faculties and departments, libraries and laboratories. At the same time, during the meeting with the Dean of the Faculty of Biotechnology and the Head of the Department of Biotechnology, Associate Professor Alpamysova Gulyaina Baykanyskyzy, they were acquainted with the structure of the department, the teaching staff, the progress of educational work, scientific and long-term plans.

On April 11, classes were distributed and group classes began. On the same day, the head of the Department of Biology and Geography, Yerzhan Isaev, and the staff of the department organized master classes on the topic “Hereditary Diseases” for students of the UEP-20-16k group.

On April 12, we discussed educational and methodological work on the exchange of experience. On the basis of the module “Isolation of a pure culture of bacteria” in the group XT-18-5 k1, 5k2 lectures and practical classes were traditionally organized, students were taught in Russian and English.

On April 13, during an acquaintance with the modern laboratories of the departments of biotechnology and biology, questions and answers and situational questions were discussed with students.

On April 14, it was decided to carry out scientific work, write teaching aids and textbooks based on joint plans. The issues of publishing articles in SCOPUS journals, participation in international grants on the prospects of biotechnology were also discussed together.

Discussions were held on the implementation of interdepartmental agreements and, additionally, on further increasing the participation of students in online trainings and conferences, as well as in international competitions.

At the end of the day, at a farewell meeting held by the dean of the faculty with the participation of professors and teachers of the departments, all professors and teachers who participated in academic mobility were awarded certificates.

During the business trip, the work planned in cooperation was carried out in accordance with the plan.

REPORT on a business trip to Kyrgyzstan Mustafayeva Mamlakat Ismailovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical Biology

In order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 24, 2017 No. 2909 “On measures for the further development of the higher education system” No. 6-10-585 dated February 8, 2022, the Kyrgyz Medical Academy on April 21-24, 2022, we participated in the international Olympiad at the Kyrgyz Medical Academy named after Akhunbaev in Bishkek.

Students of group 171 Makhmudov Maruf Mansurovich, Tukhtamuratov Islambek Bakhodirovich, Kholmatov Siroy, Ochilov Bobur, Suleimanov Faizulla took the proud 3rd place in medical parasitology.

Cooperation of the Department of Medical Biology with higher educational institutions of the Republic and abroad

At present, the Department of Medical Biology has established cooperation with several higher educational institutions that are included in the prestigious thousand of the world, and has signed several agreements on academic mobility. In particular, agreements were signed with the Department of Histology, Medical Biology and Pathology of Osh State Medical University, the Turkish University of Medical Sciences, South Kazakhstan State University, Minsk Medical University.

The process of signing a document and an agreement with Zulfikorov A.N. head of the department of histology and medical biology and head of the department of histology and pathology of Osh State Medical University Shatmanov Suinali Toknonazarovich

Cooperation with M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University

In November 2019, a cooperation agreement was signed with Isaev Yerzhan Bolisbaev, head of the Department of Biology at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, which is one of the 500 in the world, and Jabborova Aisha Iskandarovna, head of the Department of Medical Biology at the Bukhara State Medical Institute.

Clip from a lecture given to students of biotechnological education of South Kazakhstan State University

Cooperation with the Turkish University of Medical Sciences

In the current academic year, our Department of Medical Biology has signed a cooperation agreement with the Turkish University of Medical Sciences. On the basis of this contract, it is planned to publish textbooks and teaching aids. To this end, as a basic textbook for students of the Faculty of Turkey, studying at the Bukhara State Medical Institute, a textbook “Medical Biology” was published.

A video from the visit of Professor Ulkan Kilic, Doctor of Biology, Professor of Academic Mobility at the Turkish University of Medical Sciences, and a lecture for students.

The head of the department of medical biology, associate professor O.I. Zhabborova, together with the professors of the department, went to the 57th specialized organization of preschool education in the city of Bukhara, Bukhara region and congratulated the children on New Year's gifts on behalf of the institute.
Professors of the Department of Medical Biology, Associate Professor O.I. Zhabborova and Senior Lecturer R.R. Rakhmonov went to the Muruvvat house of the Karakol region, met with the deputy head of the Muruvvat house Khamdamov Abdurahim and residents of the Muruvvat house, discussed the topic of a healthy lifestyle among the residents of the Muruvvat house, they spoke . At the same time, they came with news from them in the month of Ruzai Ramadan and saw that the sick people living there in their free time are engaged in household chores and that this is very beneficial for them and their health. During an interview conducted on behalf of the medical institute, the residents were satisfied with our conversations and thanked the rector of the institute, Shukhrat Dzhumayevich, for his high attention and respect.
Head of the Department of Medical Biology, Bukhara State Medical Institute, Associate professor on the topic of a healthy lifestyle of the inhabitants of the Muruvvat house. At the same time, they were congratulated on the 30th anniversary of our Independence and a festive round table was organized for them.

Tutorials, textbooks, monographs, certificates