Department of Phthisiology and Pulmonology

Department of Phthisiology and Pulmonology

Jumayev Mukhtor Fatullayevich

Head of the department

In 1996-1997 he completed an internship at the tuberculosis dispensary of the Bukhara region.

From 1997 to 2001 he worked as a phthisiologist at the tuberculosis dispensary in the Bukhara region.

From 2002 to 2023 he worked as an assistant in the Department of Phthisiology and Pulmonology.

From 2023 to 2023 – Head of the Department of Phthisiology and Pulmonology.

Training at the network center for retraining and advanced training of teachers at TTA in March 2005, April 2008, February 2012, November-December 2015, November-December 2018, November-December 2021 per month.

The training will take place in April 2024 at the Main Scientific and Methodological Center.

Phthisiology and pediatric phthisiology

Successful defense of a candidate (PhD) dissertation in 2023 on the topic “Problems of diagnosis and treatment of persistent forms of pulmonary tuberculosis in the southern regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan” in the field of phthisiology.

Currently, about 50 scientific articles have been published in domestic and foreign journals. He is the author of the monograph “Difficulty of diagnostics and problems of treatment of persistent forms of pulmonary tuberculosis in the southern regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.”

Staff of the department

Muazzamov Bakhodir Rakhmonovich
Usmanov Isomiddin Khaydarovich
Erkinova Nigora Erkinovna
Alimova Gulrukh Salimovna
Rakhmonova Kamola Mizrobovna
Kenjaeva Nozima Akhtamovna
Alimova Gulnora Abdullayevna
Abdullayeva Feruza Orzuyevna
Sharipov Mirfayz Shukhratovich
Abdukarimov Mirzobek Ulugbek o’g’li
Aslonov Farrukh Ismoil ogli
Yitmasova Tukhfa Davlatovna
Rustamova Saodat Abdullayevna
Fatullayeva Gulshoda Zokirovna

History of the department

In 1989-1990, together with Yorkulov Ahror Bakhromovich, the head of the health department of Bukhara region, and Muazzamov Bahodir Rakhmonovich, the responsible employee of the Bukhara regional party committee, who dealt with social issues in the region, he assessed the level of provision of doctors in the regions. when analyzed (per 10,000 population), there were 17 doctors in Bukhara, 21 in Kashkadarya, and 18 in Khorezm, and there was a shortage of doctors in the region. After comprehensive analysis, a proposal was prepared to the Republican government on the opening of a medical institute in Bukhara on behalf of the first secretary of the regional party committee Yodgorov Damir Salikhovich. After this proposal was approved by the leadership of our Republic, based on the decision of the President in 1990, it was decided to establish a medical institute in Bukhara and to name it Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Professor Akram Ibragimovich Muminov was appointed as the rector of the institute.

Within the framework of ensuring the implementation of the decision, the departments of the institute began to be organized. The department of phthisiology was formed based on the order of the rector in February 1992, and the head of the department was appointed a high-class phthisiatrist, an experienced leader, Muazzamov Bahodir Rakhmonovich (1992-2021).

Later, due to reduction of teaching hours, the department was transformed into a course, merged with the department of primary infectious diseases, and then with the departments of microbiology and dermatovenerology. From the 2021-2022 academic year, it was transformed into the “Physiology and Pulmonology” department, taking into account the teaching hours and workload. In 2020-2021 and from 2022 to 2023, the department will be headed by DSc. associate professor Usmanov I.H. managed. From 2023 to now, the department is headed by Ph.D., Jumayev M.F. is leading.

Shakaroy Baqoevna, Tursunova Dilfuza Tolibovna, Jumaev Mukhtar Fattullaevich and Rakhimov Jahongir Obloberganovich, among the first assistants in conducting the teaching process at the Department of Physiology, are incomparable.

The staff of the department are constantly exchanging scientific and practical experience with the staff of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Physiology and Pulmonology and the medical institutes of our republic.

PhD associate professor Muazzamov B.R. In the position of head of the department from 1992 to 2021 and so on. chair of associate professors
DSc. Associate Professor Usmonov I.H. In 2020-2021, the head of the department, now an associate professor of the department
Senior Lecturer of the Department Jumayev Mukhtor Fatullayevich from 1996 to the present

During the past period, more than 10,000 students studied at the department of phthisiology, and more than 100 specialists studied in clinical residency and internship. These doctors have been working in all regions of our Republic except Bukhara region: Navoi, Khorezm, Karakalpakstan, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, Samarkand and abroad.

The assistants of the department of phthisiology, pulmonology and dermatovenerology have been performing not only scientific and educational processes, but also treatment and practical work. The assistants of the department are attached to the departments of the center as consultants, and they actively participate in the issues of diagnosis and treatment of patients, conducting surgical operations.

Jumayev Mukhtar Fatullayevich has been actively participating in the spiritual and educational work of the institute for several years and has been conducting coaching activities. At the same time, Jumayev Mukhtar Fatullayevich, assistant professor of the department, participated several times in the regional mass media on the topics of prevention and treatment of the epidemiological situation of tuberculosis, giving insights into the early detection of the disease and its prevention among the population.

In addition to these, they organize visits to districts and cities in our region, organize lectures, monitoring and master classes on various topics. In the conditions of the COVID-2019 pandemic, the staff of the department, along with active treatment in red zones, have been organizing special training courses and providing practical-pedagogical support to doctors in practice.

Dr. Erkinova Nigora Erkinovna, Alimova Gulnora Abdullayevna, and NA Kenjayeva are among the main workers in the course of pulmonology.

Currently, the department has a total of one doctor of science, two candidates of science, two of them have the title of associate professor. The staff of the Department of “Physiology and Pulmonology” is working on scientific research, inventions, and scientific innovations, and the department makes a significant contribution to the development of our country in strengthening the health of our people, training high-quality doctors, with its scientific-practical and pedagogical activities.

4th-year students of the Faculty of Medicine and Medical Pedagogy, 5th-year students of the Faculty of Pediatrics, 3rd-year students of the Faculty of Dentistry, 4th-year students of the Faculty of Preventive Medicine, and 3rd-year students of medical biology are studying in the department .

Since 1998, the department has been training clinical interns in the specialty “Physiology”, and since 2020, clinical interns in the specialty “Pulmonology”.

Republic Physiiatrics and Pulmonology scientific and practical center director tfd . Professor NN Parpiyeva and employees with together
Jumayev Mukhtar Fatullayevich Media " Health in the " secrets " show
Jumayev Mukhtar Fatullayevic h group students with coaching on the hour

Spiritual and educational work

In the department regularly respectively students with spiritual and educational affairs done is increasing. Her cartilage spirituality hour held is coming. Students stay in places interviews held is coming . Her year 24 March international delete against to fight per day dedicated at events chair employees active participating they are coming

Lesson process in the department

Educational and methodical work

The department regularly carries out a number of educational and methodological work. Employees of the department teach such teaching methods as “Focal and infiltrative tuberculosis of the lungs, pulmonary tuberculosis”, “Examination of sputum and phthisiology”, “Disseminated tuberculosis of the lungs”, “Tuberculosis of the lungs” manuals have been published. The Phthisiology textbook has been published. Monographs such as “The incidence and features of the clinical course of pulmonary tuberculosis in the arid zone”, “Tub and its organizational basis”, “Tub meningitis”, “Tuberculosis”, “Modern surgical treatment of tuberculous spondylitis” were also published.

Scientific work

Employees of chair annually publish the results of their own studies in republican and foreign scientific publishing and journal. Form the acts of the introduction. Also, employees of the chair actively participate in republican and international scientific conference, conduct the master-classes and vebinars.

Academic mobility

Professors and teachers at the department in the middle academic mobility good to the road placed. Including our department associate professor Muazzamov B.R. in 2022 M. Avezov in the name of South Kazakhstan at the university one series professors- teachers of the institute with together lectures study, skill lessons passed.