Department of Uzbek language and literature, Russian and English languages

Department of Uzbek language and literature, Russian and English languages

Davlatova Muhayyo Hasanovna

Head of the Department

2008- 2011 – Bukhara Academic Lyceum of Computer and Information Technologies, English
2011- 2019 – Bukhara Branch of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Land Reclamation, Department of Languages ​​
senior teacher
2019- 2021 – Bukhara State Medical Institute, English Department teacher
2021- present – Head of the English Department, Bukhara State Medical Institute, Associate Professor.

The network center for retraining and advanced training of teaching staff at BukhSU in 2019 and 2022.

In 2021, he successfully defended his PhD dissertation on the topic “Resultative Structures in English and Uzbek Languages”.
Currently, more than 60 scientific articles have been published in local and foreign journals.

Textbook on Muslim Philosophical Thought and the European Renaissance in the 9th-12th Centuries (2023)




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Staff of the department

Shadmanov Kurban Badriddinovich
English teacher
Norova Mavlyuda Faizulloevna
Latin teacher
Nematova Zebo Tursunbaevna
English teacher
Khabibova Manzila Nuriddinovna
English teacher
Ziyaeva Dilnoza Anvarovna
English teacher
Kholova Madina Bobokulovna
Latin teacher
Khozhyeva Mehrangiz Gayratovna
English teacher
Nematullaeva Farangiz Mukhamadieva
English teacher
Artikov Azamatjon Kholmurodovich
English teacher
Kuchkarova Shakhodat Rozievna
Latin teacher
Khabibulina Lilia Yakhonovna
English teacher
Khamraeva Mavlyuda Dzhuraevna
Russian language teacher
Bozorov Zainiddin Ashurovich
Russian language teacher
Nazarova Dildora Ilkhomovna
Russian language teacher
Abdullaeva Dilorom Akhmedovna
Russian language teacher
Ashurbaeva Rukiya Kakhorovna
Russian language teacher
Shukurova Olmakhon Odiljonovna
Russian language teacher
Gafurov Bakhtiyor Zakirovich
Russian language teacher

History of the department

The English language department was established on October 30, 1990 according to the order of the rector of the institute No. 4\7, and initially it started its activity on the basis of the “Languages” department. In 1991-2009, the “Languages” department was headed by Ph.D., associate professor Yozil Hamroyevich Hamroyev.

Since 1997, Ph.D., Associate Professor Hikmatova M.N. He was appointed the head of the “Uzbek, Russian languages, pedagogy and psychology” department.

In 2014, professor Shodmonov Q.B. became the head of the department. appointed. Shodmonov Q.B. received the title of associate professor in 1983, and professor in 2010. Doctor of philosophy, professor Kurban Shodmonov, member of the Philosophical Society of the Academy of Sciences of Russia and Kazakhstan, academician of the International Scientific Academy of the Ancient World.

From 2021 to the present, Ph.D. Davlatova M.H. appointed. In 2021, M.H. Davlatova received the title of Ph.D.

During the activity of the department, the following employees worked actively and effectively: professors-teachers of the department: Hakimova M.A., Aliyeva Z.A., Jabborova G.M., Hayitov Z.H., Aliyeva R.R., Rajabova D.R., S.S. Djumayeva, G’.E. Shomurodov, D.A. Abdullayeva, V.F. Nurullayev, Sh.Z.Tolipov, A.A.Khonov, G.N.Qurbonova, R.B.Gafurova, Z.S.Bakhranova, K.Yo.Bakhranova, S.S.Murodova, S.Daminov, R.M.Salikhova worked.

Yozil Hamroyevich Hamroyev PhD associate professor (1991-2009 years)

Hikmatova Muqaddas Nurullayevna PhD associate professor (1997-2014 years)

Shodmonov Qurbon Badriddinovich   Professor

(2014- 2021 years)

Davlatova Muhayyo Hasanovna PhD associate professor (2021 y- until today)

From the first day of establishment of the Bukhara State Medical Institute, attention has been paid to the process of educational practice of morphological departments and deepening of scientific work. Naturally, first of all, the chair of morphological sciences was created, in which high-class specialists from medical institutions of our republic were involved. In these departments, the classrooms were equipped with the necessary equipment and visual aids for the full educational process. These, in turn, have been updated over the years, and educational tablets, electronic boards and tables have been introduced.

Spiritual - educational works

During the academic year, the department conducts educational activities aimed at making students and young people polite and educated, developing their consciousness, and forming humane values. In order to educate students in the spirit of patriotism, to start them on the right path, to explain their civic duties, to make them know their rights, and to develop into spiritually mature people, regular conversations are held with them during classes and outside of classes. You will be informed about the news of the week in our country, abroad, and also at the institute, as well as the decisions and decrees of our president.

Professors-teachers of the department of english language

Professors and teachers of the department organized a wonderful event together with MBBS students in the student residence

On the occasion of the birthday of Mir Alisher Navoi, professors and teachers of the department organized an event at the presidential school

The staff of the department is in the new campus

Professors and teachers of the English language department are on a bicycle marathon


Based on the approved plan, following events, lectures and presentations were held under the leadership of the head of the “English language” department Davlatova M.H. 

     Regarding the organization of the process of adapting the students admitted to the 1st year to the existing conditions at the Higher Education Institution:

     Conducting “1st year school” events (outside of classes);

       Forming a social-psychological portrait of students admitted;

       A number of issues such as assigning mentors to students, providing mentors with methodological materials were discussed.

    The head of the department: M.Kh. Davlatova, spiritual leader of the department: M.N. Habibova, teachers of the department B.B. Bakaev, Sh.Sh. Shodiev, M.E. Ziyadullaeva, Z.T. Nematova, N.Z. Tasheva, Z.O. Jalilova. A.Sh.Mirzaeva, M.F.Norova, G.Z.Nasrieva, M.A. Ismailova, S.R. Kudratova and others took part.

                 October 1 – holding an event dedicated to “Teachers and Trainers’ Day”.

    At the event, the head of the department: M.H. Davlatova, spiritual leader of the department: M.N. Habibova, professors-teachers of the department Q.B. Shodmonov, B.B. Bakaev, Sh.Sh. Shodiev, M.E. Ziyadullaeva, Z.T. Nematova, N.Z. Tasheva, Z.O. Jalilova. A.Sh.Mirzaeva, M.F.Norova, G.Z.Nasrieva, M.A. Ismailova, S.R. Kudratova and others took part.

At the event, the head of the department M.Kh. Davlatova gave a speech and congratulated all the teachers of the department on the holiday and expressed his best wishes.

October 1 – promotional work was carried out to increase the effectiveness of events held in connection with the “Day of Teachers and Trainers”. Indeed, among the thousands and thousands of professions in the world, there are two great professions – the profession of doctor and teacher, which will never lose their meaning and nobility, importance and respect as long as there is life.

      In our people, studying science is compared to digging a well with a needle. Sometimes, it is difficult to read books full of the essence and secrets of life and existence. However, teaching science is more difficult. After all, it is not enough for a child who cannot distinguish between black and white to reach the rank of a scientist by reading books. The teacher devotes all his being and love to this work. In fact, there is no measure or comparison of the work of teachers and coaches who introduce thousands of young souls to the black and white, give the rain of goodness, teach them to look forward to the future, instill in the hearts of young people firm faith in the future, are always ready to help their students in the bitter and bitter trials of life, stand up when they stumble – support, fall – and rejoice like children at their achievements.    In the years of independence, honoring the teacher’s profession, appreciating his work and giving him a proper incentive became an important direction of reforms in the field of education.

In this regard, on October 30, 2022, a festive event dedicated to “October 1 Day of Teachers and Mentors” was held at the department. Professors and teachers who have been working at the institute for many years, all department employees took part in the event.  After the festive event, all participants were invited to the festive table

They congratulated all professors and employees working in the department with the holiday and handed over souvenirs.

     It is no secret that today only highly educated, modern, independent thinking, intellectually developed and practical professionals can ensure a great future. That’s how you bring up a mature specialist, dear colleagues!

                         Conducting an event on the topic “Corruption-Development Link”.

     At the event, the head of the department: M.H. Davlatova, spiritual leader of the department: M.N. Habibova, professors-teachers of the department Q.B. Shodmonov, B.B. Bakaev, Sh.Sh. Shodiev, M.E. Ziyadullaeva, Z.T. Nematova, N.Z. Tasheva, Z.O. Jalilova. A.Sh.Mirzaeva, M.F.Norova, G.Z.Nasrieva, M.A. Ismailova, S.R. Kudratova and others took part.

The head of the department M.H. Davlatova gave a speech at the event and mentioned the following: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. On June 29, 2020, Mirziyoev issued the Decree “ON ADDITIONAL MEASURES TO IMPROVE THE SYSTEM OF FIGHTING AGAINST CORRUPTION IN THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN”. In recent years, important organizational and legal reforms have been implemented in the field of fighting corruption in our country. Systematic measures aimed at increasing the legal consciousness and legal culture of the population, forming an intolerant attitude towards corruption in the society were taken.

In order to increase the effectiveness of the anti-corruption system, to create a favorable business environment at the highest level, to increase the positive reputation of the country in the international arena, and also in accordance with the tasks defined in the Strategy of Actions on the five priority directions of the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, the following tasks were given.

      It was conveyed to the professors and teachers of the department that it is necessary to jointly fight against corruption, which is the bane of society, and to root it out of our country.  Organization and holding of the “Active Student Event” among students in the residence of students living in the 1st Students’ Hostel

      ” Active students event” was organized and held among students in the residence of students living in the 1st Students’ Hostel. At the event, the head of the department: M.H. Davlatova, spiritual leader of the department: M.N. Habibova, professors-teachers of the department Q.B. Shodmonov, B.B. Bakaev, Sh.Sh. Shodiev, M.E. Ziyadullaeva, Z.T. Nematova, N.Z. Tasheva, Z.O. Jalilova. A.Sh.Mirzaeva, M.F.Norova, G.Z.Nasrieva, M.A. Ismailova, S.R. Kudratova and others took part.

       “Active students’ event” was organized and held among the students in the residence of students living in the 1st Students’ Hostel of the Bukhara State Medical Institute. The head of the department, M.H. Davlatova spoke and said that there is an undeniable fact that it is directly related to the fact that the development of our country is in the hands of educated young people.

      Therefore, great efforts are being made in our country to support the representatives of the young generation in every way, to educate them as mature people, to acquire thorough knowledge, to engage in sports and other useful work.

         It is not for nothing that everyone has the right to education in our country, and that free general education is guaranteed by the state. After all, the role of the school is incomparable in the intellectual potential of young people and in achieving high goals in the future.

Another important point. 5 important initiatives introduced at the initiative of the President cover the goals of increasing the spirituality of young people, meaningfully spending their free time, developing their talent, ensuring their employment, further increasing their achievements in the field of sports, and directing them to the profession. The implementation of these tasks gives the expected results.

For example, today, in accordance with the five important initiatives, various activities organized in our higher education institution within the framework of “Working with young people and current issues of spiritual and moral education” serve to further improve the spirituality of young people, increase their confidence in the future, strengthen their qualities such as loyalty to their country, mutual kindness. After all, a polite, knowledgeable, hardworking child is the greatest asset not only of parents, but of the entire society.

   In stage shows performed by young people, the fact that the family is a sacred place, the role and importance of the family, neighborhood, educational institutions and the general public in the education of young people, the morals, spirituality and culture of students were promoted.

      In turn, musical performances and songs praising the Motherland were played during the events. In addition, a number of intellectual games competitions and other spiritual and educational events encouraged students to be more active in the student accommodation at Students’ Hostel.

That’s not all. Within the framework of the event, the “Scientist competition” was also organized among students and young people. Based on the questions related to history, the participants turned to information about the life of those times, in particular, about the development of science, culture, education and profession. It is no exaggeration to say that this created the ground for students to further strengthen their knowledge. The winners of the competition were awarded diplomas and certificates.

Our goal is clear – to strengthen the interest of our students in science and vocational training, to promote creativity, culture and art among them, to educate them as highly spiritual people, in a word, to help young people find a worthy place in society. It is necessary to ensure that students do not become idle, spend their time with useful activities, learn various professions. After all, educated, enterprising and intellectually capable young people will be able to make a worthy contribution to the development of the Motherland. Then young people will have culture and basic knowledge both in the society and in the virtual world, and will become mature personnel who can make great contributions to the development of our country.

             Organizing a roundtable discussion with foreign students on obtaining student visas and temporary residence permits in cooperation with the authorized migration service of Bukhara region

       In cooperation with the authorized migration service for the Bukhara region, a roundtable discussion was organized with foreign students on obtaining student visas and temporary residence permits. At the event, the head of the department: M.H. Davlatova, spiritual leader of the department: M.N. Habibova, professors-teachers of the department Q.B. Shodmonov, B.B. Bakaev, Sh.Sh. Shodiev, M.E. Ziyadullaeva, Z.T. Nematova, N.Z. Tasheva, Z.O. Jalilova. A.Sh.Mirzaeva, M.F.Norova, G.Z.Nasrieva, M.A. Ismailova, S.R. Kudratova and others took part.

Head of the Bukhara Region Internal Affairs Department and Bukhara City Migration and Citizenship Registration Department Captain I. Ch. Hamroev and the dean of the International Faculty and professors and teachers and assistants of the English language department, in cooperation with the authorized migration service of the Bukhara region, held a conversation with foreign students on the topic of obtaining student visas and temporary residence permits.

      Captain I.Ch. Speaking, Hamroev introduced the regulation on the procedure for registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan by the place of their temporary stay, which provides for temporary registration procedures of foreign citizens and stateless persons from foreign countries, as well as permanent residents in other regions of the republic, in the Migration and citizenship registration units of internal affairs bodies, placement facilities or treatment facilities through the electronic system.

We had regular communication with every foreign student studying in our educational institution and talked about obtaining a visa, registration, required documents and visa fees, migration issues.

 Showing generosity under the slogan “Every day, everyone should do meritorious deeds.”

     At the event, the head of the department: M.H. Davlatova, spiritual leader of the department: M.N. Habibova, professors-teachers of the department Q.B. Shodmonov, B.B. Bakaev, Sh.Sh. Shodiev, M.E. Ziyadullaeva, Z.T. Nematova, N.Z. Tasheva, Z.O. Jalilova. A.Sh.Mirzaeva, M.F.Norova, G.Z.Nasrieva, M.A. Ismailova, S.R. Kudratova and others took part.

On April 11, a group of teachers and professors of the English language department organized a charity dinner to deliver various kinds of food to students living in the 1st dormitory under the motto “Everyone should do meritorious work every day”. We gave advice on how to meaningfully spend free time with students on the implementation of 5 important initiatives of the President: read more books, improve their literacy in learning the secrets of computers, regularly engage in sports to be healthy, get familiar with art forms and, of course, learn foreign languages. The students were very happy with our visit and we agreed not to waste their valuable time

On May 4, 2023, Sh.Shodiyev, the teacher of the English language department, was ceremoniously presented with a doctor of philosophy (PhD) diploma by the rector of the institute Sh.J.Teshaev

Educational - methodical works

Latin language and medical terminology and a foreign language in medicine for students of I and II courses of treatment, dentistry, medical pedagogy, medical biology, medical prevention, folk medicine, pediatrics at the department; treatment, dentistry, medical pedagogy, folk medicine, medical biology, medical prevention, and practical training in foreign languages ​​in medicine for the students of II, Pediatrics courses. In addition, joint educational programs opened in cooperation with other higher education institutions, general medicine, MBBS courses for foreign students, Latin language and medical terminology, and foreign language subjects in medicine are taught at the department. conducted in Uzbek, Russian, English.

Professors and teachers from the Medical University of the Kyrgyz Republic during the lesson organized in the department

Head of the English language department M.H. Davlatova participated in the international conference “ESP around the globe: teaching and research”

Professors-teachers of the department Shodmonov Q.B and Tasheva N.Z. Academic mobility at the Pavel Jozef Safarik University of Slovakia under the ERASMUS+ grant project

Professors and teachers of the department held a Master class for students at the Technical College of Public Health named after Abu Ali bin Sino, Bukhara

Scientific research works

The department has a total of 14 employees. 1 of them are professors, 3 associate professors, and 10 assistant teachers. All our teachers are conducting scientific research as part of their scientific work.

The direction of the department’s scientific-research work:

Comparative literary studies is a combination of linguistics and translation studies 

   Professor Q.B. Shodmonov participated in the Congress of Philosophers in Kazakhstan

In November 2021, professor Q.B. Shodmonov at the Congress at the Tajik State University

Scientific educational publications issued by the members of the English Language Department

Teachers of the English Language Department during the lesson

Italiyalik mehmonlar institutda bo'lishdi (29.05.2023)

Abu Ali ibn Sino nomidagi Buxoro davlat tibbiyot instituti Ingliz tili kafedrasi professori Q. Shodmonov hamda kafedra mudiri dotsent M. Davlatova boshchiligida Italiyalik mutaxassis Birlashgan Millatlar tashkiloti va Yevropa Ittifoqi valantyori Roberto Boltri taklif qilindi. Tashrifdan maqsad: Roberto Boltri Orol dengizi halokatini oʻrganish, qishloqlarda mikrokredit loyihalarini amalga oshirish va oʻrnatish uchun maqsadida tashrif buyurgan.

U o‘zini madaniy hamkorlikka bag‘ishlab institut professor-o’qituvhilari hamda talaba yoshlariga o’zining Markaziy Osiyo madaniyati va geosiyosatiga oid kitoblarini taqdimotini o’tkazdi. Taqdimot oxirida barcha talabalar jumladan xorijiy talabalar bilan qiziqarli muloqot o’tkazildi.

On May 2, 2023, an open practical lesson was held by the method of interactive learning with 1st year students of the 106th group by the assistant of the English Department Djalilova Z.O.  on the topic “The use of pharmaceutical terms and components” in the subject of Latin language and medical terminology.

On May 4, 2023, an open practical lesson was held by the method of interactive learning with 1st year students of the 133th group by the assistant of the English Department Djalilova Z.O.  on the topic “The use of pharmaceutical terms and components” in the subject of Latin language and medical terminology.

On May 5, 2023, an open practical lesson was held by the method of interactive learning with 1st year students of the 114th group by the assistant of the English Department Ruzieva S.H.  on the topic “The use of pharmaceutical terms and components” in the subject of Latin language and medical terminology.

On May 16, 2023, the teacher of the  English Department, Ziyodillaeva Makhbuba Ermatovna held a practical demo lesson with the students of the 1-1MBBS-22 group. During the training, several exercises were performed on the sections of Clinical and Anatomical terminology of the Latin language, the basic concepts and terms of Pharmaceutical terminology were explained. Professors and teachers of the department took part in the analysis of the lesson. In the course of the analysis, students’ knowledge on the subject “Latin language and medical terminology” was assessed, as well as the pedagogical skills of the teacher were analyzed.

On 16.05.2023, the teacher of the English language department Ismoilova Markhabo Abdurakhimovna conducted an open practical demo lesson with the students of group 208 on the topic  “Psychiatry. The changing face of depression”. During the lesson, detailed information was given about Psychiatry and various mental illnesses, including depression, and strengthening exercises were performed. Professors and teachers of the English language department participated in the demo lesson analysis. During the analysis, the students’ knowledge of the subject “Foreign language in medicine” was evaluated, and the teacher’s teaching skills were analyzed.

On 16.05.2023, the teacher of the English language department Nasriyeva G.Z conducted an open practical demo lesson with the students of group 110 on the topic  “Dealing with medication. Medication ands Herbs”. During the lesson, detailed information was given about Medication ands Herbs.

Teacher Kudratova S.R, an interactive open lesson was held with students of the 1st grade of the GM-1 group of the faculty of foreign students.

During the classes:    Teaching 19.05.2023. Kudratova S.R. with students of grade 1 GM-1, an open lesson was held on the topic “Genitive forms of the plural of a noun” with the practical application of pedagogical technologies. During the lesson, attention was paid to the development of the mental abilities of students, expanding their general horizons. The lesson was very interesting, full of new information. During the lesson, it became known that the students thoroughly studied medical terms and can easily interpret them in Latin. The lesson achieved its goal.     Khabibova MN, specialist, leading open lessons of the Department of English. expressed his thoughts about this open lesson, spoke about the skill of the teacher, the ability to use advanced pedagogical technologies, the art of creating problem situations and finding ways out of them.



Preparation for the new school year (30.08.2023)

On 30.08.2023, professors and teachers of the English Department of the Faculty of International Medicine (Foreign Students) prepared the classrooms for the new academic year, replaced the old stands and banners in the classrooms, and at the same time, the module, working programs, module syllabus and training methodological complexes, all teaching materials were prepared and preparations for the new academic year were checked. In addition, professors and teachers prepared posters, cards, books and visual aids in their rooms, during the year they prepared handouts on the subjects of foreign language in Medicine and medical terminology in Latin.

Meeting on preparatory and academic year issues for the academic year (31.08.2023)

On 31.08.2023, the preparation for the 2023-2024 academic year and issues of the academic year were discussed at the English Department of the Faculty of International Medicine (Foreign Students). Also, the head of the department Phd, associate professor Davlatova Mukhayo Hasanovna congratulated the professors and teachers of the department on the 32 nd  anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. At the meeting: M.H.Davlatova, spiritual leader of the department: M.N.Habibova, professors-teachers of the department Q.B.Shodmonov B.B.Bakaev, Sh. Sh.Shodiev, Z.T.Nematova, N.Z.Tasheva, Z.O. Jalilova. A.Sh.Mirzaeva, M.F.Norova, G.Z.Nasrieva, Ziyayeva D, Qudratova S.R and others took part. The professors held a series of discussions on the effective start of the new academic year and future plans, department folders, professors’ indicator products, articles, monographs, EHM programs, training manuals and scientific research works to be released by the end of the year. The head of the department Phd, associate professor Davlatova M. H. congratulated the professors and teachers on the 31st anniversary of our independence and talked about the future plans  of the department.

"Green space"


Head of the department: M.Kh. Davlatova, spiritual leader of the department: M.D. Mahmudova ,teachers of the department Shadmanov Q. B., Z.T. Nematova, D. A. Ziyoyeva, A.Sh. Mirzaeva, M.F. Norova, G.Z. Nasrieva, S.R. Qudratova, M.B. Kholova. and others.

At the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, within the framework of the “Green Space” national project, land preparation for seedlings has begun. The autumn season of the nationwide project “Green Space” was launched at the meeting of video selectors held on October 11 under the chairmanship of the head of state, and 85 million seedlings were restored in our country from October 25 to December 1.

Professors and teachers of the Bukhara State Medical Institute have been actively participating and contributing to the new auspicious events that have become nationwide support. This year, unlike last year, in order to add a larger share, the team of the institute planned to plant larger trees and shrubs. In particular, today, under the leadership of the rector Shuhrat Teshaev, with the participation of the institute’s employees, extensive landscaping and landscaping works were put into practice in the front areas. In particular, several fruit and ornamental trees and shrub seedlings were planted in the area.

It should be noted that the environmental culture of young people will increase by helping such events, and their communication-environmental and friendly relations will be strengthened. As his next good deeds, he will create ample opportunities for preserving and beautifying our home, for a clean and pure environment of our living places.

All teachers and pedagogues of the English language department of the Faculty of Foreign Medicine of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina actively participated in the green area campaign



Head of the department: M.Kh. Davlatova Spiritual leader of the department: M.D. Mahmudova

teachers of the department Shadmanov Q. B., Z.T. Nematova, D. A. Ziyoyeva, A.Sh. Mirzaeva, M.F. Norova, G.Z. Nasrieva, Qudratova S.R, Kholova M.B. and b.

The following sessions were held at the Bukhara State Medical Institute on October 17-20 as part of the “InnoWeek-2023” week of innovative ideas:

✅ The official opening ceremony of the exhibition of Scientific, innovative and investment projects held at the institute in connection with the “Science and Commercialization” Day;

✅ Exhibition of scientific, innovative and investment projects

✅ “Mayor and youth meeting”

Demonstration of innovative products and developments, B2B meetings on cooperation, scientific-innovative conference and seminars, and startup days (based on the following program) were organized during the week. The event was opened by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Ibrahim Abdurahmanov, who emphasized that the processes of evaluating the ratings were transparent and that the activities of scientific organizations and higher education institutions were objectively studied.

✅ Presentation of startup projects “Future Medical Innovation”.

Presentation of innovative projects by members of the “Youth Academy”.

And other important events such as B2B meetings, exhibitions and projects were held.

  • October 17, opening ceremony of the week of innovative ideas “” at Bukhara State University as part of the Youth Day, press conference with media employees and exhibitions;
  • On October 18, as part of the Startup Day of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, “InnoWeek. uz” exhibition of innovative ideas, a master class on the topic of creating startup projects;
  • On October 19, a conference within the framework of the Day of Science and Commercialization at the MTU Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management “TIQXMMI”;
  • On October 20, exhibitions and conferences were organized at the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute and the Bukhara State Medical Institute as part of the Day of Creative Education.

On the 1st day of the conference, the “Infectious diseases, epidemiology, microbiology and “current problems of parasitology” was held an international scientific conference. The participants defended their intellectual projects and innovative developments in the working group, justifying the benefits of further implementation.

All pedagogues-teachers from the English language department actively participated. They participated with the English-Uzbek-Russian dictionary of medical euphemisms, Medico Space and project-based learning innovative ideas.

Of these projects, the English-Uzbek-Russian Dictionary of Medical Euphemisms was approved and allowed to continue.



Head of the department: Davlatova M.Kh. Spiritual director of the department: Doctor of Medical Sciences Makhmudova, teachers of the department: Zieeva D.A., Mirzaeva A.Sh., Nasrieva G.Z., Kudratova S.R. and others.

On October 3-5, 2023, an international scientific and practical conference on the topic “Nuclear Medicine”, organized by the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina, was held at the Sahid Zarafshan hotel in our city. The scientific and practical offline conference was organized by the leadership of the Bukhara State Medical Institute and a number of foreign countries. About 100 scientists from a number of foreign countries directly took part in it.

Amrillo Inoyatov, Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, who took part in the opening of the scientific and practical conference on the topic “Nuclear Medicine”, was one of the first to say that such scientific conferences are of great importance in the development of medicine and medical education in our country, and at the conference He noted that all medical universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as scientists from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and the Russian Federation, took part in it. . At the conference, scientific information on current problems of nuclear medicine was heard and discussed.

At the international conference, teacher educators from the English Department conducted a simultaneous translation of the lecture: the dissertation read in Russian was translated into English, and the lecture presented in English was translated into Russian. Direct translation during a conference is very labor-intensive. Despite this, the teachers worked together and tried to avoid misunderstandings among foreign guests and were successful.


In accordance with the requirements of the memorandum of cooperation signed between the universities in accordance with the letter of South Kazakhstan University named after M. Avezov dated December 8, 2023 No. 01-02/7829, from December 11 to December 15, 2023, for the purpose of exchange of experience associate professor of the department”English language “Norova Mavluda, visited the university and exchanged experience with professors and teachers of the English language department.

Afroza Akhter Tina is a lecturer at Bangladesh International Daffodil University

Afroza Akhter Tina, kata teacher at Bangladesh International University Narcissus, at the IV International Olympiad for medical students “From the teachings of Abu Ali ibn Sina to the third Renaissance” January 26-27, 2024 January 25, 2024 from January 27 to January 27 as part of the program academic mobility visited students of the department for the purpose of conducting lectures and practical classes and for the purpose of judging.

Tuichi Shodi, chief specialist of the international relations department of the Tajik State Medical Institute

Tuichi Shodi, chief specialist of the international relations department of the Tajik State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino, linguist, doctor of medical sciences, will give a lecture and practical classes to students of the English language department as part of the academic mobility program from January 15 to 25, 2024.

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