Based on the approved plan, following events, lectures and presentations were held under the leadership of the head of the “English language” department Davlatova M.H.
Regarding the organization of the process of adapting the students admitted to the 1st year to the existing conditions at the Higher Education Institution:
Conducting “1st year school” events (outside of classes);
Forming a social-psychological portrait of students admitted;
A number of issues such as assigning mentors to students, providing mentors with methodological materials were discussed.
The head of the department: M.Kh. Davlatova, spiritual leader of the department: M.N. Habibova, teachers of the department B.B. Bakaev, Sh.Sh. Shodiev, M.E. Ziyadullaeva, Z.T. Nematova, N.Z. Tasheva, Z.O. Jalilova. A.Sh.Mirzaeva, M.F.Norova, G.Z.Nasrieva, M.A. Ismailova, S.R. Kudratova and others took part.
October 1 – holding an event dedicated to “Teachers and Trainers’ Day”.
At the event, the head of the department: M.H. Davlatova, spiritual leader of the department: M.N. Habibova, professors-teachers of the department Q.B. Shodmonov, B.B. Bakaev, Sh.Sh. Shodiev, M.E. Ziyadullaeva, Z.T. Nematova, N.Z. Tasheva, Z.O. Jalilova. A.Sh.Mirzaeva, M.F.Norova, G.Z.Nasrieva, M.A. Ismailova, S.R. Kudratova and others took part.
At the event, the head of the department M.Kh. Davlatova gave a speech and congratulated all the teachers of the department on the holiday and expressed his best wishes.
October 1 – promotional work was carried out to increase the effectiveness of events held in connection with the “Day of Teachers and Trainers”. Indeed, among the thousands and thousands of professions in the world, there are two great professions – the profession of doctor and teacher, which will never lose their meaning and nobility, importance and respect as long as there is life.
In our people, studying science is compared to digging a well with a needle. Sometimes, it is difficult to read books full of the essence and secrets of life and existence. However, teaching science is more difficult. After all, it is not enough for a child who cannot distinguish between black and white to reach the rank of a scientist by reading books. The teacher devotes all his being and love to this work. In fact, there is no measure or comparison of the work of teachers and coaches who introduce thousands of young souls to the black and white, give the rain of goodness, teach them to look forward to the future, instill in the hearts of young people firm faith in the future, are always ready to help their students in the bitter and bitter trials of life, stand up when they stumble – support, fall – and rejoice like children at their achievements. In the years of independence, honoring the teacher’s profession, appreciating his work and giving him a proper incentive became an important direction of reforms in the field of education.