History of the department
27.12.2021 2022-04-29 16:04History of the department
The department “Organization of health care and social hygiene” was created by order of the Bukhara State Medical Institute dated October 30, 1990 No. 47. The head of the department was appointed candidate of medical sciences G. Abdullaeva, assistants Kayumov Kh.N., Mukhtorov M.

On January 1, 1992, the head of the department was appointed candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Kurbanov R.Sh. Assistants of the department Kayumov Kh.N., Badalov Kh.B., Smaylova L.F. and Toirov M.K. In 1995-2002 academic year, the head of the department was Ph.D. Kurbonov R.Sh. and under his leadership worked assistants Badalov Kh.B., Salomova Kh.Zh., Smaylova L.F., Kenzhaeva Kh.P., Ablyazov R.F., Atoeva M.A., Kobylova G.A. In the 2002-2003 academic year, the department introduced new disciplines, such as marketing of medical services, valeology, epidemiology of non-communicable diseases, and taught these disciplines based on new standard and work programs.
Associate professor Khasanov U.Kh., senior teachers Salomova Kh.Zh., Kobilova G.A., Ataeva M.A., Manasova I.S., teachers A.A. Dzhumaeva, Z. Zh. Dzhumaeva, N. Sharipova, D.B. Radjabova.
In the 2004-2008 academic year, the department was headed by associate professor R. Sh. Associate Professor K.X. Hasanov, senior teachers Salomova H.Yu., Kobilova G.A., Manasova I.S., teachers A.A. Dzhumaeva, Z.J. Dzhumaeva, N. Sharipova, D.B. Rajabov, were active.

Smaylova L.F., Kenzhaeva Kh.P., Ablyazov R.F., Atoeva M.A., Kobilova G.A. In the 2002-2003 academic year, the department introduced new disciplines, such as marketing of medical services, valeology, epidemiology of non-communicable diseases, and taught these disciplines on the basis of new standard and work programs.
In the 2004-2008 academic year, the department was headed by Associate Professor R.Sh. Kurbanov. Associate Professor K.X. Khasanov. Senior teachers Salomova Kh.Yu., Kobilova G.A., Manasova I.S., teachers A.A. Dzhumaeva, Z.J. Dzhumaeva, N. Sharipova, D.B. Radjabov’s activities were carried out.
In the 2008-2012 academic year, the department was headed by associate professor Khasanov U.Kh., senior teachers Salomova Kh.Zh., Kobilova G.A., Manasova I.S., teachers A.A. Dzhumaeva, Z. Zh. Dzhumaeva, N. Sharipova, D.B. Radjabov’s activities were carried out.
In the 2012-2014 academic year, the department was headed by associate professor Kayumov Kh.N., senior teachers Salomova Kh.Zh., Kobilova G.A., Sharipova N.S., teachers Sh.T. Yuldashova, D.B. Radjabova were active in teaching.

In 2017-2019, the head of the department was Candidate of Medical Sciences. Atoeva M.A. Since September 2, 2019, the department was separated from the department “Public health, healthcare management and general hygiene” and was renamed to the department “Public health, healthcare management”, where the candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Atoeva M.A. continued its activities. 2019 to 2021

The department was headed by Ph.D. Baratova M.S. Teachers of the department Salomova Kh.Zh., Radjabova D.B., Vohidov U.G., Fayziev Kh.B., Yuldashova Sh.T., Dzhumamuratova B.S., Murodova M.M., Gafarov Sh.U., Shodiev B.V. and internal part-timers: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Ataeva M.A., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D. Nasullaev A.A., doctoral student Kobilova G.A. conducted teaching activities.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor MS Baratova, in 1997 she defended her scientific work “Analysis of the effect of nifedipine on hemodynamics and its combination with vitamin” E “on the state of lipid peroxidation and on some parameters of lipid metabolism in patients in the early stages of hypertension” at the Tashkent State Medical Institute.