About The Event
To the member of the Scientific Council DSc.04/30.04.2022.Tib93.01 awarding scientific degrees at the Bukhara State Medical Institute
Dear ___________________________________________ !
The next meeting of the Academic Council DSc/PhD.04/30.12.2019.Tib.93.01 will be held on september 29, 2022 at 1230 in the small conference room on the 3rd floor of the main building of the Bukhara State Medical Institute.
1. Official defense of the dissertation of Akhmedov Adkham Ibodullaevich for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 14.00.27 – Surgery; 14.00.02 – Morphology on the topic “Optimization of the treatment and prevention of gastroduodenal complications in severely burned patients.”
Scientific supervisors: DSc., Fayazov Abdulaziz Jalilovich
DSc., Professor Dekhkanov Toshpulat Dekhkanovich
Conference ID: 827 8363 5252
Access code: 12345
Deputy Chairman of the scientific
Council DSc.04/30.04.2022.Tib93.01 A.Sh. Inoyatov