History of the faculty

History of the faculty

By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 10.11.1998, in September 1999, a department in the specialty “higher nursing” and from June 15, 2001 “Medical pedagogy” was opened as part of the medical faculty of the Bukhara State Institute.

According to Resolution No. 250 of June 12, 2001 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on June 15, 2001, Order No. 271 of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the opening of the direction of medical pedagogy (vocational education) was issued. In 2007, on November 5, by order of the Rector No. 57/1-1, the Faculty of Medical Pedagogy and Higher Nursing was founded.

Since the establishment of the faculty, a lot of work has been done to improve the quality of education, new methods of conducting classes have been developed. The departments of the faculty have 6 educational and clinical bases, 7 lecture halls and more than 50 classrooms. In addition, hospitals, clinics, computers and classrooms are equipped with modern educational furniture, computers and multimedia projectors. The department is located in clinical bases, which students have the opportunity to acquire modern practical skills. Computers available at all departments are connected to the Internet for teaching and research.

To date, the number of students enrolled in the 2-6 courses of the faculty is 548 people in the specialty. Since 2021, the faculty has stopped enrolling students.

The forms and methods of the educational process are constantly being updated and improved. At the faculty, students study according to the credit-modular system in accordance with the Bologna educational process. To this end, in the pedagogical process, much attention is paid to such methods as self-preparation of students, solving test problems, acquiring practical skills. The rating system allows for more creative use of teaching and control methods, taking into account the individual training of students.

The training is conducted in Uzbek, Russian and English in accordance with the qualification requirements of a doctor of medicine (attending physician) in the direction of “Professional education (medical care)” – 5111000 and higher nursing – 5510700.

Material and spiritual support of teachers and students is carried out systematically. The best students are awarded scholarships of the President of Uzbekistan, the Ibn Sina scholarship, I.A.Karimov scholarships and other nominal scholarships.

The scientific work carried out by the scientists of the faculty is closely connected with the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel and specialists in the requirements of practical healthcare. It should also be noted that the faculty’s scientists regularly participate in competitions for grants for research.

Much attention is paid to working with gifted students, they took an active part in the work of student scientific circles, represented the institute at republican Olympiads, made presentations at republican and international scientific conferences, were awarded diplomas. Some of them have identified topics for future master’s and doctoral theses. At the faculty, students undergo practical training in the following areas: junior nurse, nurse, doctor’s assistant, professional pedagogy and psychology.

At the position of dean of the faculty functioned