Spiritual and educational work of the faculty
13.12.2021 2021-12-13 15:29Spiritual and educational work of the faculty
One of the main activities of the faculty is the formation of students’ moral values, interest in professional activity, the need for a healthy lifestyle, involvement in the social and cultural activities of the Institute. To fulfill these tasks, the faculty has a pedagogical council, which carries out its activities in accordance with the approved plan. In each group of the faculty there is a coach who is chosen from experienced teachers. Since the 2021-2022 academic year, a staff of instructors has been allocated, which they fully deal with the moral conditions, upbringing and problems of second and third-year students. In order to spend their free time usefully, students of the faculty, under the guidance of coaches, participate in mass events, amateur performances, visit historical monuments and sights of Bukhara, other cities of the republic, theaters and museums.
Students of the faculty take part in various creative competitions held in the republic. Much attention is paid to physical culture and sports. Students of the faculty are engaged in football, tennis, chess, basketball, volleyball, kurash, sambo and athletics, operating on the basis of the sports complex of our institute. They also take honorary places in regional and republican sports competitions.
The Faculty has a Faculty Council, which meets every month and solves problematic issues of the faculty.