Bulletin of fundamental and clinic medicine, 2022 №1
Subject of the article
Rajabov Otabek Asrorovich, Asrorov Shukrullo Abdukholik o`g`li
Bukhara State Medical Institute
Relevance. At present, the most promising way to eliminate defects in the dental row is considered to be dental prostheses. In terms of their installation, it eliminates not only functional, but also aesthetic, defects of the dental row, which increases social significance. Objective: to evaluate the effects of prostheses on oral cavity and gum activity. Material and style. We mowed 214 patients in the period from 2019 to 2021 year. Of these, 141 are women, which accounts for 65,9%, while 73 are men - 34,1%. They were divided into 1 (Main), 2 (comparison) or 3 (control) groups. In our study, the Kennedy classification was used to identify defects. Thus, the treatment ofeksex with the help of metalokeramics is improved to 92.7% of the criteria of the adverse state of the oral cavity and the object Mez, 94.6% of patients who are prosthetic with zirconium dioxide prostheses, 88.2% of patients with curved bridge prostheses covered with titanium and orthopedic constructions made of cast bridge prostheses.
Key words
cermet, periodontal tissues, oral mucosa, zirconium prostheses.
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