Bulletin of fundamental and clinic medicine, 2022 №1
Subject of the article
Одилова Гулжамол Рустамовна
Bukhara State Medical Institute
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) in children is one of the most severe complications of diabetes mellitus and takes the first place among the causes of blindness in people of working age. The aim of the study was to study the effectiveness of surgical treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) in children in combination with cataracts. Under observation were 43 sick children with type 2 diabetes mellitus with traction retinal detachment and cataract, which were divided into two groups depending on the tactics of treatment. Preliminary results of the study showed equal effectiveness of combined surgical treatment of PDR and cataract in sick children of the first group and delayed removal of complicated cataract after endovitreal treatment of PDR in sick children of the second group. The development of neovascularization of the iris in the late postoperative period was observed in both groups: in 8 sick children of the first and 7 sick children of the second group, which indicates the need for further research into the progression of diabetic retinopathy (DR), to determine the relationship between the development of complications and the timing of cataract removal.
Key words
vitrectomy, diabetic retinopathy, cataract, angiography, neovascularization.
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