Bulletin of fundamental and clinic medicine, 2022 №1
Subject of the article
Rasulova Iroda Abrarjanovna
Bukhara State Medical Institute
Relevance. In Uzbekistan, cutaneous leishmaniasis is one of the most common parasitic diseases with a large share in the regional pathology. Purpose of the study. To develop a method for molecular genetic diagnosis and pathogenetic therapy of cutaneous leishmaniasis based on the study of immune-biochemical studies. Material and research methods. Immunological parameters were studied in 119 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis. Of these, 38 patients were diagnosed with tuberculous form of cutaneous leishmaniasis, 52 with ulcerated leishmaniomas, 22 with ulcerated leishmaniomas with seeding tubercles with lymphangitis, and 7 with metaleishmaniasis. The control group consisted of data from 20 practically healthy individuals aged 25 to 40 years. Findings. 1.In patients with all clinical forms of cutaneous leishmaniasis, there is a disturbance in the functioning of the immune system, which is expressed by an imbalance in both the cellular and humoral parts of the body's immune system. 2.The most pronounced changes in the immune system are observed in patients with severe forms of cutaneous leishmaniasis, in particular, ulcerated leishmaniomas with seeding tubercles with lymphangitis and metaleischmaniasis.
Key words
Immunity, cutaneous leishmaniasis, histiophagocytic system.
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