Bulletin of fundamental and clinic medicine, 2022 №1
Subject of the article
Abdullaeva Muslima Akhatovna, Kudratova Munavvar Olimovna
Bukhara State Medical Institute
The article conducted an epidemiological study showing that social factors play an important role in the mechanism of transmission and transmission of COVID-19 infection. Materials and methods. An analysis of the results of patients diagnosed and treated with COVID-19 was performed. The total number of patients was 104. Patients treated with inpatient COVID-19 disease under different conditions and different etiologic epidemiological conditions were analyzed. Anonymous questionnaires were collected and analyzed from patients with COVID-19. In 68% of patients with high potential for adverse conditions, health status and improvement reduced symptoms of fatigue and stress, accelerated recovery of strength, and improved overall health. 8% had a very severe form that required treatment in the intensive care unit Anonymous questionnaires were collected and analyzed from patients with COVID- 19. In 68% of patients with high potential for adverse conditions, health status and improvement reduced symptoms of fatigue and stress, accelerated recovery of strength, and improved overall health. 8% had a very severe form that required treatment in the intensive care unit, Conclusion. Epidemiological studies have identified at least 8 clusters of the disease, which allows us to assume that the possibility of human- to-human transmission of the infection has been proven. The application of the proposed methods has shown good results in reducing the number of recurrences.
Key words
coronavirus, agent reservoir, mechanism of transmission, phylogenetic analysis
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