Bulletin of fundamental and clinic medicine, 2022 №4
Subject of the article
Avtonomov Denis Alexandrovich , Boltaev Azizbek Ataevich
Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology of the Moscow Health Department, Russia, Moscow Bukhara State Medical Institute, SOLID Project; Human Research and Development Center, Uzbekistan, Bukhara
The article provides a description of the processes of reward and addictive attraction (craving) in the phenomenon of addiction. The role of positive and negative reinforcement is demonstrated, and the key features of dysfunctional beliefs of addicts are highlighted. Within the framework of the cognitivebehavioral approach, a craving activation scheme has been proposed that considers both mental images and beliefs that sanction the use of psychoactive substances.
Key words
drug addiction, addictive disorders, craving, beliefs, mental images, cognitive behavioral therapy, psychotherapy.
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