Bulletin of fundamental and clinic medicine, 2022 №4

Subject of the article



Abdukakharova Gulnoza Kurbanovna, Ashurov Zarif Sharifovich, Hayredinova Inara Ilgizovna, Ravshanov Jahongir Azimjon ugli


Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan, Tashkent


The emergence of new psychoactive substances (NPS) has received a great deal of public health attention, and several reports have been published of acute poisoning and deaths associated with NPS use. In recent years, there have been profound changes in the legislation of the countries of the world regarding the consumption, marketing and synthesis of these compounds. Rapid alert systems have also evolved, but drug manufacturers and suppliers have not been left behind: new substances and new markets have emerged, mostly through the Internet. The effects of NPS and how they occur in users are still generally unknown, primarily with regard to the systematic use of NPS. The review considers the classification of NPS, the main clinical effects associated with the use of NPS and the state of the NPS problem in Uzbekistan.

Key words

new psychoactive substances.


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