Bulletin of fundamental and clinic medicine, 2022 №4
Subject of the article
Atakhodjaeva Fotima Aabduraimovna, Kayumova DilraboTolmasovna, Mirzakhmedova Nargiz Alisultanovna, Khikmatillaeva Nozima
Tashkent medical academy, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
According to statistics from the last decade of the 21st century, 8-12% of couples worldwide suffer from infertility. Despite the development and widespread introduction of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), according to WHO statistics for 2021, the frequency of infertility affects the lives of more than 186 million people and does not tend to decrease. In our time, infertile marriage is a significant medical and social problem. The relevance of this problem is due to the fact that every year the percentage of women of older reproductive age (35-38 years) who apply to IVF centers in order to find the happiness of motherhood increases. The proportion of such patients reaches 40% of all women seeking help at ART centers.
Key words
late reproductive age, anti-muller hormone, ART, IVF, number of antral follicles (NAF), ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
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