Bulletin of fundamental and clinic medicine, 2022 №5
Subject of the article
Asadova Nigora Кhamroyevna
Bukhara State Medical Institute
The study was conducted on 64 white, mongrel 6-monthold rats. The results of the study of the morphometry of the thymus showed that in postnatal ontogenesis their average mass, size, thickness of layers varied differently. The volume of the thymus, length, perimeter and thickness of thymocytes varies unevenly depending on age. In rats with chronic radiation exposure, the growth rate of these parameters is slowed down in comparison with the control group. Chronic radiation sickness negatively affected the number and size of the Ghassal body and led to a decrease in the number of T – lymphocytes and a delay in their maturation rate.
Key words
thymus, Gassal's corpuscles, T-lymphocytes.
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