Bulletin of fundamental and clinic medicine, 2023 №6
Subject of the article
Khusanov Erkin Uktamovich , Korzhavov Sherali Oblakulovich
Samarkand State Medical University
The beginning of functional activity of the kidneys is noted from the 11th-12th week of intrauterine development, when the renal glomerulus forms. The filtration capacity of the fetus kidney is weak due to insufficient maturity of the structures of the filtration barrier (part of the capillaries is in a collapsed state, the endothelium does not have a fenester, the basement membrane is not differentiated into layers, cubic-shaped podocytes with a small number of processes, etc.). Therefore, mainly water and a small amount of low molecular weight substances are filtered. Epitheliocytes of the proximal crimped tubule do not contain brush border and basal cuttings, their reabsorption capacity is low, but there are practically no products subject to reabsorption in the lumen of the tubules. The canals of the Henle loop are short and narrow, the reabsorption of water is insignificant. Distal tubules are short, their epithelium lacks basal cuttings. It is worth noting that the excretory function in the utero period of development is mainly performed by the placenta. Even though the final kidney begins to function in the second half of embryogenesis, the products of nitrogen metabolism are released by the placenta. Fetal urine is a hypotonic solution without the products of final metabolism, enters amniotic fluid and largely determines their volume. A decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid may serve as a sign of impaired kidney development.
Key words
White gentile rats, bladder, urinary system, ontogenesis, morphology.
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