Bulletin of fundamental and clinic medicine, 2023 №6
Subject of the article
Khudoyberdiev D. K.
Bukhara State Medical Institute
The immune system of the gastrointestinal tract is the most highly developed. Many antigens - viruses, bacteria and food allergens - enter the digestive tract along with food components and fibrous components, and it serves as the first barrier to this flow. The choice of stomach for research is dictated by the fact that 35% of people suffer various diseases of this organ gastritis and gastric ulcer make up the predominant percentage among patients, and at the same time, information about the fine structure of all components of the stomach walls in the scientific literature is extremely insufficient. To study the morphometric parameters of the stomach of white rats with chronic radiation sickness and correction with the bio stimulator ASD-2 in postnatal ontogenesis. The most pronounced rate of increase in the thickness of the organ under study in the control group of animals was observed at the ages of 3 and 6 months, amounting to 55.4% and 52.7% in the cardiac region; in the pyloric region 52.7% and 44.9%, respectively.
Key words
stomach, stomach wall, mucous membrane, lymph, tissue
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