Bulletin of fundamental and clinic medicine, 2022 №6
Subject of the article
Fayziev Хurshid Burkhanovich.
Bukhara State Medical Institute
This experiment was conducted on 52 three-month-old mongrel rats. The goal was to create an imitation of a traffic accident, which was carried out as follows. Experimental animals were fixed on a self-propelled transport device, which moved strictly along the track with its wheels. Further, the device reached a predetermined speed during acceleration and, together with the animal, the frontal part hit the wooden curb, thus causing a traffic accident, as a result of which the animal received a traumatic brain injury. The transport device in this case accelerated at a speed of about 8 km per hour. All animals were subjected to this experiment and, in turn, all passed through the Morris water maze to clarify the severity of the craniocerebral injury.
Key words
Experiment, transport device, trauma, rat, Morris water maze.
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