Bulletin of fundamental and clinic medicine, 2023 №6
Subject of the article
Sagdullayeva G.U.
Bukhara State Medical Institute
Epidemiological and epizootic surveillance of listeriosis remains an urgent problem. Listeriosis refers to diseases characterized by polymorphism of clinical manifestations, a variety of variants of the course and outcomes of the disease. The incidence of listeriosis is low, however, given the severity of clinical manifestations and high mortality in large foci (20-40%), this infection is controlled by the World Health Organization. Listeriosis has turned from diseases that are more often registered mainly among animals and less often among people in rural areas into one of the most significant food-borne zooanroponotic diseases in the world. It has been described the peculiarities o f listeriosis, its causes in animals and humans, diagnostic methods, prevention and eradication ways.
Key words
listeriosis, ethiology, epizootological and epidemiological peculiarities, zooanthroponosis, saprophytism, bacteriocarriage, liver media, virulence, diagnosis, treatment, specific and general prophylactics.
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