Bulletin of fundamental and clinic medicine, 2023 №6
Subject of the article
Khamidova Farida Muinovna , Ismailov Zhasur Mardonovich
Samarkand State Medical University.
Among respiratory diseases in newborns, RDS occupy a special place. The shorter the pregnancy, the higher the likelihood of developing RDS. The material for the study was the lungs of deceased newborns (36 cases) with an atelectatic form of pneumopathy at different stages of pregnancy. Sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin, Van Gieson method, and Alcian blue were used. Research results. Bronchial glands, located in the submucosa, consist of serous and mucous cells located in the basement membrane, forming an acinus-like structure. The respiratory bronchioles in the lung tissue were dilated, most of the alveolar ducts surrounding them were not opened, and signs of incomplete maturity of glandular and tubular structures were observed in the lung parenchyma. The alveolar epithelium had a cubic shape, and between the alveoli there were thin connective tissues, and the vessels of the microcirculatory system between them were full. Conclusion. An increase in life expectancy in the atelectatic form of pneumopathy is accompanied by an improvement in the morphofunctional characteristics of the walls of bronchi of different sizes and lung tissue, which increases the chances of survival of newborns
Key words
newborns, bronchi, bronchial glands, atelectasis.
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