Bulletin of fundamental and clinic medicine, 2022 №6
Subject of the article
Rakhmonova Kh.N. , Rakhmonov Z.M.
Samarkand State Medical University
Changes in the neural structure of the extrahepatic bile ducts after cholecystectomy were studied in order to determine the participation of disruption of neural connections between the biliary sphincters due to cholecystectomy in the pathogenesis of postcholecystectomy syndrome. The morphology of the nervous structures in the area of localization of the sphincters of the extrahepatic bile ducts was studied at various times after cholecystectomy in dogs and rabbits. The operations were performed under xylazine anesthesia, the material was fixed in 12% neutral formaldehyde, neutralized with a saturated solution of sodium tetraborate. Cryostat sections are impregnated with silver nitrate according to the method of Bielschowsky-Gross and Campos. It has been established that during cholecystectomy, as a result of removal of the Lütkens sphincter, one link of the single morphofunctional network of the sphincter apparatus of the biliary system is lost, and the innervation connections between them are disrupted. This may serve as one of the reasons for the occurrence of postcholecystectomy syndrome in the form of dysfunction of the sphincters of the biliary system after cholecystectomy. It has also been established that cholecystectomy with leaving a long stump of the cystic duct is less traumatic in terms of disruption of innervation connections compared with cholecystectomy with leaving a short stump.
Key words
Cholecystectomy, short and long cystic duct stump, disruption of innervation connections.
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